Screenshot of Idle Jianghu
Screenshot of Idle Jianghu
Screenshot of Idle Jianghu
Screenshot of Idle Jianghu
Screenshot of Idle Jianghu
Idle Jianghu

Idle Jianghu

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Provider 小猴跳跳
3,606 Downloads2,503 Followers

Time is like an arrow, sun and moon are like a shuttle, rivers and lakes are like a play, and life is like a song. Since acquaintance, spent spring, summer, autumn and winter, unconsciously, "Idle Jianghu" has accompanied you players for three years. The small shrimps that entered the rivers and lakes in the past are now only their own legends.
In this day to say goodbye to the past and greet the future, we will be full of gratitude and dedicate a more free and open world to the players along the way.
Where life is not in rivers and lakes, rivers and lakes are life everywhere. Experience a more life in the rivers and lakes, new schools, new systems, new activities, this new world of rivers and lakes, waiting for a new you.

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