Screenshot of Within
Screenshot of Within
Screenshot of Within
Screenshot of Within
Screenshot of Within
Screenshot of Within


Dev active
Provider Silver Lining Studio
50,113 Downloads50,530 Followers

Emma has awoken to a mystical world that is familiar yet strange to her. While exploring this world, she comes to the realization that the adventure she’s embarked on somehow reflects the past experiences of her own.

"Within" is a narrative-driven adventure mobile game for you to explore your inner self. We call for those who are fans of mobile games containing exploration and murky forlorn atmospheres to come follow Emma’s footsteps into this desolate fairytale world. Awaken your past secrets and retrieve the very definition of oneself.

Immersive Experience
"Within" can be regarded as a mobile game, a picture book, or even a short film.
Through the intuitive game controls, the arrangement of camerawork, sound effects, as well as the vivid and shadowy ambience. "Within" implies every hint in the scenery, conveying the entirety of the story and emotions behind its objects.

About Us
We are Silver Lining Studio. "Within" is our first and on-going development project. Please join our beta test and share your valuable opinion with us!

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1.1K Views 04/07/2023
Wasn't expecting that🤡, The arts and music are actually pretty good ang relaxing, And the game have actually a deep message for everyone. Totally recommend for u guys to play
1.4K Views 01/21/2022
Absolutely loved the game. First of all the visuals, artstyle, and effects in the game are breathtaking. It combines the cute and the unsettling very well, and the animations and cutscenes are so well done. Character design is great, it's not too detailed nor not too simple, just perfect. Secondly, the game emits this dark but charming, creepy yet mysterious atmosphere which you can really feel while playing. It almost feels like you're playing Little Nightmares but In 2D. Third, The story isn't really revealed very quickly to the player, and I love that. it's deep yet easy to understand. You can piece everything that's happened to know what the game's all about. Lastly, the gameplay was a blast, it's not a challenging story based platformer, the Puzzles aren't very hard and there are small hints scattered around to guide/assisst the player. Overall 5/5 game, instantly one of my favourites. Top tier visuals and gameplay, would recommend to other players who love these types of games
Niraj YĐv
567 Views 09/08/2022
can't explain..but I felt like keep playing's like living your old memories walking parallel with your past   
Boss King
991 Views 10/25/2023
It really interesting game, i wont continue! please!
1.2K Views 04/15/2022
The story was very engaging but it's very short. The gameplay and the sound design of the game is pretty good.
993 Views 01/11/2023
Game was good and the story was really interesting but i guess it in the beta so the game is too short i hope in the future game story becomes larger
Zev Walker
1.1K Views 03/16/2023
Impressive game. Nice artworks
Ye Olde Foxeh
Not bad but short and fishy survey
748 Views 07/29/2022
The game is very short one (like about 10% of a normal mobile game or less). Liked the overall atmosphere and graphics. Gameplay a bit lacking. Then there is the ending, and a survey is offered. I wanted to provide feedback but turns out it is a broken link that goes to some generic, fishy site. No thanks!
TapTap Creator
Top 10 OFFLINE Games For Android Under 50mb 2022! [Good Graphics]
73K Views 04/29/2022
That's everything for now. Start a new game?