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Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition Game Screenshot
Bad North: Jotunn Edition

Bad North: Jotunn Edition

Raw Fury
MoreYour home is under attack. The king is dead at the hands of Viking invaders. Hope is a distant glimmer in the fog, fading fast with every passing moment. As you rise to take your father’s place as ruler, it will fall to you to stage your defences. But make no mistake – this is no fight for victory, but a desperate grasp for survival. Bad North is a charming but brutal real-time tactics roguelite. Defend your idyllic island kingdom against a horde of Viking invaders, as you lead the desperate exodus of your people. Command your loyal subjects to take full tactical advantage of the unique shape of each island. Everything is at stake: fail, and watch the blood of your subjects stain the ground red. It’s charmingly brutal, with beautiful procedurally-generated islands and adorable soldiers juxtaposed against the blood-stained realities of war. You control the broad strokes of the battle, giving high level commands to your soldiers who try their best to carry them out in the heat of the moment. It’s accessibly deep, with simple player inputs masking a dynamic combat simulation that make it inviting to new players while challenging veterans. Keep fighting, warriors. Not for power or riches or glory, but for hope of peace to come once again in the harsh lands of the Bad North. Key Features REAL-TIME TACTICS ROGUELITE: Position and relocate your troops to fend off the Vikings, who each have their own counters to the threats you pose. Pick your battles and plan your evacuations carefully! Lose a commander and they’re gone forever; lose everything, and it’s game over! INTELLIGENT UNIT CONTROLS: You command the broad strokes of your defences and monitor positioning — your soldiers do the rest, navigating and engaging intuitively in response to the situation at hand. PROCEDURALLY-GENERATED ISLANDS: Each island is both stylistically charming and unique in its layout. Plan your strategies around every nook and cranny, for you only get one chance to save them from the enemy invasion. UNLOCKABLE UPGRADES: A stronger, smarter defence leads to greater rewards. Use these to develop your subjects from a ragtag militia into seasoned warriors.

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Bad North: Jotunn Edition
Bad North: Jotunn Edition
Orson Card在其1985年發佈的科幻小說Ender's Game中預言,觸屏設備將取代手柄、鍵鼠等外設,成為未來戰爭的指揮載體。因為觸屏面板上的多手勢操作,能夠用更少的動作傳遞更多的指令,來應對戰爭所需的快速反應。 在眾多遊戲裝置中,主機+手柄自然是動作遊戲的最佳選擇,而PC+鍵鼠也成為射擊遊戲玩家的首選,但對於策略遊戲,觸屏將是它命中註定的未來。 受到手機性能限制,過去玩家往往傾向於在PC上玩策略遊戲,從steam年銷量榜上可見一斑。這些PC上飽受讚譽的遊戲移植到手機之後,即使缺少操作上的適應性調整,觸屏設備在視角調度和指令輸入上的優勢也已經初步體現。 這個列表將推薦5款移植後操作體驗不輸PC的策略遊戲。每一款都是我在移動設備上實機測試過的,操作、畫質、硬體需求等多個方面都幫大家排雷了,歡迎收下這份詳細的測評清單!


Bad North: Jotunn Edition
Bad North: Jotunn Edition
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Bad North: Jotunn Edition
Bad North: Jotunn Edition
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