Hi, Tapper
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It is worth the long wait!
I played the beta and actually enjoyed this game. I hope it will stay f2p friendly because I am a grinder. personally just I just fancy open world exploration so take what I say for a grain of salt. It has pve & pvp content with multiple game modes implemented & it was actually pretty smooth. The game has top quality customization & inclusivity with features. There is a lot of cosmetics in the game which I hope stay f2p friendly like in the beta. It does strike a resemblenace to life after but it does it way better for those who are skeptical of playing it. My only negatives are that the weapon system in pvp is based off of who upgrades the most so I hope they decide to nerf that when it’s released because I already see P2W abusing that and making it impossible to climb ranks. (This should apply for every game mode) everyone should be spawning with the same weapon level and gun options that everyone gets to choose to add variety. Ing it is 2 slot weapon inventory. This should happen before loading into the lobby. upgrades or buffs should be changed to spawn during combat should show up in the map. pvp is isnt pve so people having stronger weapons then others that are meant for personal damage bosses & enemies quest / modes shouldn’t be used or mixed in a pvp setting it’s unfair. Next is guilds I would remind everyone that joining a guild is vital for this game so if you’re not in one you’re kinda screwed. the house system it’s similar to life after where it’s bit by bit to build a home and I love that.. but In order for that to work the prices need to be AND should be dirt cheap and f2p friendly for furniture and house foundation windows ect. hopefully they make that building mode more optimized and add in a blue print system so that you can recopy builds incase you don’t want to destroy your home and rebuild it. They need to fix the camera view sensitivity. when placing down items I should be able to place them down as close as possible unless it’s physically overlapping the unrealistic hit box where there is a border that items cannot cross is big. Last thing I have to say is the foraging aspect is obviously very similar to life after and I hope when undawn releases it has more ores fish plants & food ect to collect to cultivate more recipes. Overall I see potential in this game and would give it a try if you’re bored of Minecraft , lost in blue life after or generic mmorpg type games.
Celebration Mag
Celebration Mag
the best game
willy Loveall
willy Loveall
30 fps highest on pc and p2w