Screenshot of The Man From The Window 2
Screenshot of The Man From The Window 2
Screenshot of The Man From The Window 2
Screenshot of The Man From The Window 2
Screenshot of The Man From The Window 2
Screenshot of The Man From The Window 2
Screenshot of The Man From The Window 2
Screenshot of The Man From The Window 2
Screenshot of The Man From The Window 2
Screenshot of The Man From The Window 2
Screenshot of The Man From The Window 2
Screenshot of The Man From The Window 2
Screenshot of The Man From The Window 2
Screenshot of The Man From The Window 2
Screenshot of The Man From The Window 2
The Man From The Window 2

The Man From The Window 2

Provider Pink Horror Mansions
292 Downloads246 Followers

The Man from the Window is a gripping interactive storybook that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Join Mama Rabbit and Junior Rabbit as they confront their fears and unravel a mysterious and dark tale.

Mama Rabbit returns home from work one late night to find Junior Rabbit awake long past his bedtime, clutching a book that has visibly spooked him. Mama Rabbit tries to convince him that it's only a story, but then a tap-tap-tapping begins on the window.

As the two rabbits huddle together, they realize that the book might not be just a story after all. Something is out there in the darkness, and it seems to be getting closer. Mama Rabbit decides to investigate, leading her and Junior Rabbit on a spine-tingling adventure through the unknown.

Experience the thrill of The Man from the Window on your mobile device. Immerse yourself in stunning visuals and eerie sound effects that bring the story to life. This engaging and imaginative story is sure to captivate you, with an unforgettable twist ending that will keep you coming back for more.

Download The Man from the Window 2 now and let the adventure begin. But be warned, once you open the door to this twisted game, there's no turning back.

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charleenna Leusink
978 Views 03/11/2023
So cool i want
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