Screenshot of Turn it!
Screenshot of Turn it!
Screenshot of Turn it!
Screenshot of Turn it!
Screenshot of Turn it!
Screenshot of Turn it!
Screenshot of Turn it!
Screenshot of Turn it!
Screenshot of Turn it!
Screenshot of Turn it!
Screenshot of Turn it!
Screenshot of Turn it!
Screenshot of Turn it!
Screenshot of Turn it!
Screenshot of Turn it!
Screenshot of Turn it!
Screenshot of Turn it!
Screenshot of Turn it!
Turn it!

Turn it!

Provider Andréa Didier

2D games seem so simple, but what if the solution was not so obvious?
Try changing perspective to see the world in a new light!
In Turn it, you'll have to help your super cute character to find his way out by pivoting the world. Use the 4 perspectives available to unveil everything and find hidden secrets! 💎


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