Screenshot of Micron Defense Force
Screenshot of Micron Defense Force
Screenshot of Micron Defense Force
Screenshot of Micron Defense Force
Screenshot of Micron Defense Force
Micron Defense Force

Micron Defense Force

Provider Mystical XP Games

Attention commanderMicron Defense Force is a roguelike tower defense game in which you command a defense force on a mission to destroy the corruption plague. There are no waves of enemies but your task is to defend the city against these spreading aliens. Build and upgrade towers against the corruptions. Choose your technologies during each run and fight your way to victory.Build your defenses and economyImprove your economy by building forges and use your income to build different types of towers. There are upgraded versions of towers in order to enhance your defenses.Destroy the corruptionsEmploy different tactics to defeat the corruption types. Fortify your defenses, boost your economy and attack the corruptions head-on.Choose your technologiesThere are many technologies to choose from and they will help to snowball your towers as the corruptions become increasingly more difficult.FeaturesDifferent types of towers and upgraded versions
Unique enemies and bosses
3 biomes
20+ technology upgrades


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