Game of Gods 的影片截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
Game of Gods 遊戲截圖
更多CAN YOU CONQUER THE ENTIRE WORLD WITH YOUR OWN RELIGION? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to create your own religion and launch it into the world to see how many followers you could win? The Gods of the Universe invite you to play their galactic game! The omniscient Game of Gods has recently become available for humans to play on their gaming PC's! In this godly simulation, you will utilize strategic elements as you create and control your own cunning religion and battle Earth's other mystical religions for global domination....If your religion is into the dominating thing. While your religion is busy expanding, humans will also be experiencing scientific discovery. This fabulous path leads them to discover the scientific method, which turns out to be the antidote to religious belief itself! Play the ancient Game of Gods and see how successful your personal brand of religion will become when it is established on planet Earth with you in charge of its actual survival! Win or lose the game, you will be awarded a new religion to use on your next play-through the random universe. Discover the most clever ways to enrapture earth's souls with your own unique religion and the most exciting beliefs you can imagine! KEY FEATURES LIST * 30+ world-religions to unlock each with unique powers and attributes * Billions of gameplay possibilities, caused by religious battles, competing religions, timelines, introductions, powers, evolution, and locations * Custom Religion creation with increasing number of skill points to attribute after each game * 20 unique upgrades within 3 skill branches to grow religious powers to omniscient power * 200+ hilarious and satirical news briefs from the wonderful world-wide history of religion * Millions of human souls to collect as you battle for absolute global domination * Find the most devious path of evolution and growth for your own religious brand * Conduct head-to-head battles when you encounter new religions on your growth path




