Screenshot of Salvation Hours
Screenshot of Salvation Hours
Screenshot of Salvation Hours
Screenshot of Salvation Hours
Screenshot of Salvation Hours
Screenshot of Salvation Hours
Screenshot of Salvation Hours
Screenshot of Salvation Hours
Screenshot of Salvation Hours
Screenshot of Salvation Hours
Screenshot of Salvation Hours
Screenshot of Salvation Hours
Screenshot of Salvation Hours
Screenshot of Salvation Hours
Salvation Hours

Salvation Hours

Provider Wolf Wire Studios

"When there was no help, GRS stepped up. They never leave their people behind."

Salvation Hours is a Single Player - Tactical - First Person Shooter developed by Wolf Wire Studios, a one man game studio.

This game is based on the 2012 Benghazi Incident that involved the American Consulate, the CIA Base called the "Annex" and the GRS Operators posted there. It's an adaptation of all those true events with minor modifications done to preserve anonymity but also to keep the story as close to the real events, as it can be.
You step into the shoes of one of the GRS Operators, Jack Sanders, who was deployed to Benghazi GRS in early September of 2012. This incident happened at the 11th Anniversary of the infamous 9/11 Incident. Find out what really happened, through Jack's perspective of this event.Features Play as one of the GRS Operative in a real narrative
Immerse yourself in the action with 2 difficulty modes catered to beginners and veterans alike
Realistic Ammo management on Hard Mode with tougher Enemies
Utilizes Unreal Engine 5.3 - with Lumen Global Illumination and Nanite
Defend the Annex and the Consulate using limited tools and just 2 weapons for immersive experience
Lean through the corners as you take a peek on your enemies
Enjoy a cleaner UI during Combat as you battle the attackers
Be mindful of your health and ammo in this experience as COMBAT IS DIFFICULT
"Salvation Hours is a result of my hard-work of over 2 years, to establish myself as a Game Developer. I hope you all enjoy this experience that I put together with all the dedication I had." - Paradoxical95 (Founder - Wolf Wire Studios)

Note : The game's combat may be difficult for some people. I recommend playing on EASY difficulty and using BURST FIRE mode and leaning over objects as cover to get through, as I tried to put the combat on a balance with good survival difficulty while also not being frustrating to play. Ammo management is a much needed skill even on EASY difficulty. There might be small bugs here and there, I'd request you to notify me about them in the official Discord server.


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