Screenshot of Shobatsu
Screenshot of Shobatsu
Screenshot of Shobatsu
Screenshot of Shobatsu
Screenshot of Shobatsu
Screenshot of Shobatsu
Screenshot of Shobatsu
Screenshot of Shobatsu
Screenshot of Shobatsu
Screenshot of Shobatsu
Screenshot of Shobatsu


Provider Roger GG

FOUR PLAYABLE CHARACTERS AND A LARGE VARIETY OF ENEMIESJoin Ritsu, Mira and their allies in the fierce battle against a sinister cult that has obtained control over the most powerful ninja clans of neo-feudal Japan.

SINGLE PLAYER AND LOCAL CO-OPYou can face the challenge all by yourself or bring a friend to join you in the Arcade co-op mode for extra fun!MASTER YOUR CHARACTER'S SKILLSThe game's playable characters have at their disposal a broad assortment of moves, from defensive and evasive to offensive, that must be mastered in order to give you an advantage over Shobatsu's powerful enemies. The vast set of offensive moves in particular, when used skillfully, can result in extremely impactful and satisfying combos. No matter how adept at combat you become, however, be prepared to be tested to the limits when encountering Shobatsu's merciless bosses.


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