Captura de Tela do Vídeo de AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
Captura de Tela do Jogo AFK Arena
MaisParticipe da festa de Halloween do AFK. Explore o mistério de Treznor, o Ressentido, e ganhe recompensas! Não perca! Um RPG clássico com uma beleza artística impressionante. Relaxe e divirta-se! Forme suas próprias forças e repelir os exércitos invasores do mal que ameaçam a existência de Esperia! Jogue enquanto relaxa Deixe seus heróis lutarem por você quando você se desconectar! Colete as recompensas quando acessar o jogo! Aprimore seus heróis Colete mais de cem heróis de sete facções exclusivas! Ganhe experiência e Recompensas AFK! Utilize estratégias únicas Faça estratégias! Combine heróis, habilidades e bônus de facções para derrotar seus inimigos! Curta uma variedade de aventuras Embarque em uma viagem das maravilhas e visite terras há muito tempo esquecidas. O mundo de Esperia espera por você. facebook: 🔗link facebook group: 🔗link

Avaliações & Comentários

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183 Avaliações
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Jogadores estão dizendo...

  • 🎨️ O estilo de arte e as animações são altamente atraentes e cativantes.
  • 📖️ O enredo é rico e o design dos personagens permite que os jogadores se identifiquem com eles.
  • 🐋️ O jogo tem sérios problemas de pagamento para ganhar, com jogadores VIP altos controlando tudo.


Mais Recente

Yet another idle auto-battle gacha RPG

Yet another idle auto-battle gacha RPG

AFK Arena
AFK Arena
AN IDLE DELIGHT? AFK ARENA REVIEW, MY OPINION 1. Introduction: You can't miss this on the top 10 spot if you try searching popular idle games. Also the one which made many small gaming companies to copy it and make rip offs due to its popularity. 2. Graphics and Visuals: 2d art delight with uniqueness, thus it attracts people with different interests.     3. Gameplay: Idle gacha game, trying to clear and progress as much as possible
AFK Arena
AFK Arena
📖 Storyline: There's plenty and you can actually follow the characters and relate to them. (Most of them) 🎮 Gameplay: Pretty standard but still fun especially the legendary characters. 👍 Pros: Art, music, story, animation and events. 👎 Cons: During the global events, there's lag but they're getting better.
It's a perfect game for those who work and study, I have a lot of fun.
Thierry Rodrigues
AFK Arena
AFK Arena
It's perfect for those who work and study (don't have much time left to play), graphics, gameplay and events. I have a lot of fun.
Thierry Rodrigues

"AFK Journey" is open for player recruitment, participate in the test by downloading it.

TapTap News
I Am Hooked on AFK Journey:  Every Character, Battle and Reward Feels Personal

I Am Hooked on AFK Journey: Every Character, Battle and Reward Feels Personal

The AFK Arena sequel is a gorgeous gacha idle game filled with adorable hamsters

The AFK Arena sequel is a gorgeous gacha idle game filled with adorable hamsters

i love this game
Khánh Hương
AFK Arena
AFK Arena
I need to discuss a serious issue with this app and it’s chat channels. (PLEASE READ) If you’re a minor I do NOT recommend you chat in the chat channels. They are the worst. The top worst one I will say is English Channel 70. This game allows everyone to send photos in private messages. Private and sexual photos get shared and it is HIGHLY disgusting. There has been and STILL IS pedophilia that occurs in MULTIPLE chat rooms and chat channels. This is disgusting and I would not recommend your child to download this game if they are not mature enough. This game is fun, but it has really dark and scary chat rooms and people in it. It is horrible. There is Racism, Homophobia, shaming, and more that occurs every single day in here. Other than that, I like the game. But this reasoning I have explained is why I hardly continue to play anymore. It is horrible.