Captura de Tela do Vídeo de Dwerve
Captura de Tela do Jogo Dwerve
Captura de Tela do Jogo Dwerve
Captura de Tela do Jogo Dwerve
Captura de Tela do Jogo Dwerve
Captura de Tela do Jogo Dwerve
Captura de Tela do Jogo Dwerve
Captura de Tela do Jogo Dwerve
Captura de Tela do Jogo Dwerve
Captura de Tela do Jogo Dwerve
Captura de Tela do Jogo Dwerve
Captura de Tela do Jogo Dwerve
Captura de Tela do Jogo Dwerve
Captura de Tela do Jogo Dwerve
MaisDwerve é um RPG no estilo dungeon crawler de defesa da torre, onde você joga como um jovem anão funileiro que se aventura em um reino arruinado e desenterra as tecnologias perdidas de um ferreiro ancião: torretas e armadilhas. Essas são as únicas armas que podem proteger os anões da Bruxa-Rainha, Vandra, e seu exército de trolls sedentos por sangue, que além disso, são criaturas monstruosas decididas a conquistarem a superfície. Principais Características - Combate de Defesa da Torre! Construa torretas e armadilhas para se defender dos ataques incessantes de monstros! - Dungeon Crawling! Explore um reino arruinado repleto de segredos ocultos e enigmas! - Aprimore Suas Torretas & Armadilhas! Cada uma delas têm sua própria árvore de aprimoramento com mais de 100 melhorias no total! - Lute Batalhas Épicas Contra Chefes! Use a estratégia, a inteligência e reflexos rápidos para controlar os ataques de monstros enormes! - Descubra Artefatos Poderosos! Botas do Fogo do Dragão, Escudo do Coração de Leão, Martelo da Guerra de Gurakk e muito mais! - Embarque Em Uma Aventura! Conheça novos amigos, viaje através da montanha, derrote a Bruxa-Rainha!

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Jogadores estão dizendo...

  • 📝️ O conceito do jogo é único e a história é bem escrita.
  • 🔄️ A mecânica é simples, mas o combate é revigorante, misturando TD, aventura e quebra-cabeça.
  • 🐞️ Existem vários bugs, como a posição do NPC não mudando e reinicializações de mapa barulhentas.


Mais Recente

It gives new experience and it's pretty fun. But needed to be optimized for mobile, I can't go through the next level after fort stonewall because I can't scroll the map
Demm Diokno
The game is very fun and rather unique, it is one of the best mobile games I have played. One quick ask though is to fix the controller support as currently you can't move with the controller, but you can navigate menus.
Its nice
Xhante Lewis
I love the new approach this game takes to the TD world. The story is also quite good, although, it is very similar to the Lord of the Rings (a series I recommend). One of the highlights in this game for me were the animations. They are very clean and flow nicely. I recommend this game. 5/5
I've been looking for a game like this for years and finally found it. I love the graphics and the RPG/tower defense style that the creator used. The story in the game I found quite original and interesting and I also appreciate the presence of the Italian language (which is not present in many games like these). The only thing I would improve is the style of the navigation controls and the optimization, I got to 1.50GB of cache and I felt a slight lag. Besides this the game is amazing.

Amazing game

Great Game. Tower defense where you control your character around the field to place turrets and traps. There's a little problem I found just a little bit, I'm not sure even maybe it's just the phone im using but everytime I had to change maps I couldn't tap the next place I had to go, I always had to go back to the previous place go to world map and then I'd work. Anyways Great came.
The gameplay was surprisingly fun, and can be a bit challenging. You have to carefully  place the turrets, mind your positioning and using your tools to your advantage. The pixel graphic was very nice and the music was pretty good. The presentation of the story was.. okay and the plot was kinda predictable, but it's still pretty enjoyable imho. Biggest downside was the control. It's not that bad, but it could be much better.

Surprisingly Fun?! A better one among Pocket Play Fest games.

The graphics look incredible, each Sprite has a way of fitting neatly into the game and the story doesn't drag along at all, unlike some games of a similar nature. What I will say, however is that I encountered some bugs- some UI such as the pause menu and upgrade menu are a bit finicky, the map however is completely busted, I struggled more with the map than some of the combat. Also in the gnoblin maze, I somehow missed a cutscene trigger (a dialogue noticing the hippogriff) until I was exiting the maze. Glitches aside this project is incredible and I cannot wait to see more because this story has me hooked!
The game is really fun, simple, with a cool pixel art The biggest issue I had was the world map. It is so buggy i could only go to the next stage by tapping everywhere near the stage I want to go to I had fun with it and I'm not even a fan of the genre
It's one of the best tactical pixel rpgs for mobile i have played. The graphics is beautiful, and the gameplay is really cool, it  mixes the tower defense with puzzles. It's also fun to deal with the mobs. Controls are so smooth, gameplay mechanics are easy to learn