Início>Jogos>Contraband Police Search&Seize
Captura de Tela do Jogo Contraband Police Search&Seize
Captura de Tela do Jogo Contraband Police Search&Seize
Captura de Tela do Jogo Contraband Police Search&Seize
Captura de Tela do Jogo Contraband Police Search&Seize
Captura de Tela do Jogo Contraband Police Search&Seize
Captura de Tela do Jogo Contraband Police Search&Seize
Captura de Tela do Jogo Contraband Police Search&Seize
Captura de Tela do Jogo Contraband Police Search&Seize
Captura de Tela do Jogo Contraband Police Search&Seize
Captura de Tela do Jogo Contraband Police Search&Seize
Captura de Tela do Jogo Contraband Police Search&Seize
Captura de Tela do Jogo Contraband Police Search&Seize
MaisÉs transportado para um país comunista nos anos 80, onde, como inspetor da guarda fronteiriça, tens de combater o contrabando e detetar quaisquer irregularidades! ★ Documentos: Verifica a exatidão dos documentos, pois a mais pequena imprecisão fará com que sejas mandado de volta! ★ Contrabandistas: Use uma lanterna UV para revistar carros e cargas, pois pode haver contrabando escondido por todo o lado. Estas pessoas só enfrentam uma coisa: a prisão! ★ Crescer: Gerencia o teu local de trabalho, melhora os edifícios e as ferramentas. Desta forma, poderás controlar mais pessoas. Ganha dinheiro, ganha experiência e sobe na hierarquia! Restaura esta passagem para a glória novamente!

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Jogadores estão dizendo...

  • 🎮️ O jogo tem potencial com algumas partes muito boas.
  • 👍️ Este jogo é muito bom e vale a pena experimentar.
  • 👎️ Não possui roaming gratuito e é cheio de microtransações, longe do original.


Mais Recente

Contraband Police Search&Seize
Contraband Police Search&Seize
it's like the real game but with a truck load of microtransactions, no open world and junky upgrade

Contraband Police Mobile Gameplay Walkthrough Tutorial (Android, iOS, Steam) #1

Contraband Police Search&Seize
Contraband Police Search&Seize
Not open world compared to pc
Ezekiel Ali
Contraband Police Search&Seize
Contraband Police Search&Seize
It's a good game but you can add open world and story?
Contraband Police Search&Seize
Contraband Police Search&Seize
Game như cứt
Kaitou boy MC
Contraband Police Search&Seize
Contraband Police Search&Seize
Pay to play game! don't waste your time on this "game" you literally have to pay in game diamond to play continuosly. From what I read form Google play reviews it's not even 3d it's 2d game you can't move the character like pc.. tbh 2d style is not even that bad what's bad is that you literally have to pay to play continuosly like if you arrest a person you literally have to wait hours to complete the process. This is not a "game"
Contraband Police Search&Seize
Contraband Police Search&Seize
Had high hopes for the mobile version, thought it would be same as pc version but naah it's not even close to that and it's soo bad, not recommended to play!
ĐΞVıL is LivE
Contraband Police Search&Seize
Contraband Police Search&Seize
It's okay that the game doesn't have an open world. It doesn't matter to me. I don't like that we have to wait for new passengers.I know you want to make money from the game and that's ok, but you don't have to make the game boring then. These are the things that don't work right: The passport stamp for one country was not correct and because of that I did not allow to cross the border, but the game did not understand this and told me that I should have let go because the country stamp was correct, but it was not.
Contraband Police Mobile APK: Free Download and How-to Guide 2024

Contraband Police Mobile APK: Free Download and How-to Guide 2024

Contraband Police Search&Seize
Contraband Police Search&Seize
The game is very bad, full of crap, nothing like the original, and very boring, so they would do it like the original only with mobile control and it would be 5 stars
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