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Cuplikan Layar Game Tales of The Neon Sea
Cuplikan Layar Game Tales of The Neon Sea
Cuplikan Layar Game Tales of The Neon Sea
Cuplikan Layar Game Tales of The Neon Sea
Cuplikan Layar Game Tales of The Neon Sea
Cuplikan Layar Game Tales of The Neon Sea
Cuplikan Layar Game Tales of The Neon Sea
Cuplikan Layar Game Tales of The Neon Sea
Cuplikan Layar Game Tales of The Neon Sea
Cuplikan Layar Game Tales of The Neon Sea
Tales of The Neon Sea

Tales of The Neon Sea

Lebih banyakThe vast sky city overhead obscures the sun, and the city's neon lights never go out. With the booming of science and technology in the distant future, self-conscious robots and humans live together on this land. In this cyber city where punk and magnificence coexist, noises and tranquility chorus, our protagonist Rex runs a private detective agency. A former member of the police, he now makes a living on carrying out various commissions. However, the god of fate has already rolled the dice secretly. An unusual murder case broke the peace of his life, leading to the sign of robot rebellion. With the semi-mechanical god manipulating the fate, and the rebels lurking in the dark, through the chaotic slums and the perilous underworld, Detective Rex is going to find the clues and finish his long-cherished wish... FEATURES: The perfect combination of retro pixels and cyberpunk Diversified Puzzle Elements Double Protagonists: Play as Cat Detective Various Achievements and Collectables The Profound World View and immersive Gaming Experience

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Para pemain mengatakan...

  • 🎨️ Stunning pixel art visuals combined with neon details make the game visually captivating.
  • 🧩️ Puzzles are well-designed and engaging, enhancing the overall gaming experience.
  • 📖️ The storyline may feel too familiar for those well-versed in sci-fi genres.



Tales of The Neon Sea
Tales of The Neon Sea
Step into a vibrant realm where pixels paint masterpieces of nostalgia and innovation. In this intricate game list, we journey through a pixelated tapestry that transcends time, blending the charm of yesteryears with the ingenuity of modern gaming. These pixelated gems are more than mere graphics; they are portals to captivating stories, challenging puzzles, and immersive worlds. From the mesmerizing elegance of minimalist pixel art to the intricate details that breathe life into retro-inspired adventures, this collection celebrates the rich diversity of pixelated games. Prepare to embark on a pixel-perfect odyssey, where every pixel is a brushstroke in a canvas of digital artistry.

Bits by bits

Tales of The Neon Sea
Tales of The Neon Sea
The game is very interesting and immersive, the puzzles and the storylines made the game one of the best I've played in a long time
Tales of The Neon Sea
Tales of The Neon Sea
Great game for mobile
Luthfi Bayu
Tales of The Neon Sea
Tales of The Neon Sea
这个游戏最值得一提的就是结合度和完成度都很高的美术和其世界观了,说到世界观就要提一句它的世界观是完整照搬梅尔吉布森的"神经漫游者的",没有看过书的可以参照电影"blade runner 2048"。照搬的好处和缺点都很明显,缺点就是对于看过很多这一类型科幻题材的人来说一切都太熟悉了,即使案件和故事是新的,但感觉也只是换了一层皮,其内涵在手指点了几下基本都能猜到后面是怎样的一种感觉; 好处就是整个故事的背景架构是完整的,细节是广博的,逻辑硬伤是没有的。且使用赛博朋克的背景使得美术的用力方向很到位,像素和霓虹结合的各种细节是我玩它放不下手的很大一部分原因,简直太好看了吧!除了世界观以外,游戏中的各路角色也都能在其他作品中找到原型,除开机械化程度明显特别接近“ghost in the shell” 当中少佐的男搭档的我们的主角,各路NPC也是脸熟得不行,不仅有千寻里的汤婆婆,还有加杰特探员,甚至还有长得和北野武一毛一样的红毛拉面店老板。。。作者这个“掉书袋”程度可以说已经逼近了我能够接受的“回忆杀”的程度了,好歹你有机融合一下么能不能不要给我那么直白的回忆杀么。。。但是瑕不掩瑜,整个游戏的悬疑度和故事性还是在线的,支线故事很多也很有趣(既有世界观的好处啊),迷题的难度在中下度,是老少皆宜的程度,结合优秀的场景设计所以解谜能手也不会感觉到无聊,新手也能基本都解开,除开外挂的背景阅读资料有点多以外(可以自己选择阅读时间),整个就一个非常流畅非常好!最后,还是免费的,真的还要啥自行车!它这个故事要过沈核的话整个背景都要立不大住了,改不了的,所以只能上外服了。
Sisi Alice
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Mohamed Omar
Tales of The Neon Sea
Tales of The Neon Sea
a Work of Art, a Masterpiece, a Game with Graphics That are Phenomenal, the Story to be Told is Second to None, Followed with Exquisite SFX Complimented with Smooth and Relaxing Games of Puzzles, Not to Mention It's Breath Taking and Spectacular World Development. One of The Best Pixelated Game I Have Ever Played, a Game That I Await it's Second Season, a Game That I Recommend to All Whether you Like Puzzle Games or Not. Just Play it.
Tales of The Neon Sea
Tales of The Neon Sea
Such Radiant and Relaxing to play, i'm not really a Fan of playing pixelated Games but Wow this game is really cool to play!‼️🤩🤩
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