Hi, Tapper
Hai, TapperNilai pengalaman bermain game Anda

Peringkat & Ulasan

97 Peringkat
Paling Membantu
Hi, I must highly commend the developers. I was incredibly impressed with the game and I placed in the top 15. I would like to point out a few details that I noticed. The cancellation of opening the chest at the slightest movement - this is really annoying. Next- Sometimes the auto-casting AI is off, the spell is fired into space and not at the target. Next- Pop-up table with information about the item. Often a table with information from equipment or items will pop up and I have to click on it to make it disappear. I find this annoying and it would be better if it appeared when I clicked or held on the item/equipment and disappeared on its own. I can't view in-game information about my spells. During the game I wanted to see exactly what the spell does and how much damage it gives, but unfortunately I didn't discover how. Throwing an item out of my inventory. Terribly tedious and almost impossible to do during combat. It would need a better solution. The current solution is unfortunate in that I have to hold on an item for a very long time to get the discard button to appear, plus I have to discard it one item at a time. Another occasionally shuts down the ongoing "time out" game, but you probably know about that. I would have liked to add some players from the group I just played with, but I didn't see that option. That's about all I could think of. I'll look forward to the next time the server is open, hopefully it'll be open for longer.
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