Weapon Shop Fantasy のビデオのスクリーンショット
Weapon Shop Fantasy ゲームのスクリーンショット
Weapon Shop Fantasy ゲームのスクリーンショット
Weapon Shop Fantasy ゲームのスクリーンショット
Weapon Shop Fantasy ゲームのスクリーンショット
Weapon Shop Fantasy ゲームのスクリーンショット
Weapon Shop Fantasy ゲームのスクリーンショット
Weapon Shop Fantasy ゲームのスクリーンショット
Weapon Shop Fantasy ゲームのスクリーンショット
Weapon Shop Fantasy ゲームのスクリーンショット
Weapon Shop Fantasy ゲームのスクリーンショット
Weapon Shop Fantasy ゲームのスクリーンショット
Weapon Shop Fantasy

Weapon Shop Fantasy

Indiecn Games
もっとこれは経営シミュレーションゲーム? これはRPG? これは経営シミュレーションRPG! この世界で 武具を作って 武具に魔法属性を付与して モンスターでその効果を試す! 強敵からは逃げてよし、なんの損もない! 200を超える装備を作り! 200を超えるスキルを駆使し! 強大なボスを含む70種類以上のモンスターを倒し! 200を超える依頼をクリアする! ボスは食べ物で釣れる! 武具にはそれぞれ違うスキルを持つ! 属性の相性を駆使し、スキルを組み合わせて、未知に挑もう! 知恵を絞って育成せよ! メインストーリーは約10時間でクリアでる!隠れボスを倒したければ約20時間! 完璧主義者や育成マニアにはその10倍の200時間が必要だ! メインストーリーには幾つかのルートが用意されている 一人の製作者が10ヶ月を費やして作ったインディーズゲーム。 Digdog Studioディグドッグスタジオ


209 評価



Weapon Shop Fantasy
Weapon Shop Fantasy
Weapon Shop Fantasy is a delightfully fun resource management game that includes task-and-time management, character optimization/improvement, Stat progression, and many other features which are typically unique to RPGs. Note to the developer, please include a queue function for production. Such a feature would DRASTICALLY improve quality of life, as well as absolve disappointing new players. All in all, fantastic game, and I would pay a one time price to access the whole game.

Surprisingly fun!

Dominic Marzouca
Weapon Shop Fantasy
Weapon Shop Fantasy
it seems the game is in an early development stand. For this point it's very polished and the only issues I have is that some monster in the early game are way to strong. The other thing is that the English translation isn't complete. But it seems that nearly all Mayor Items ans skills are translated.
Crafting Swords and Shields in Weapon Shop Fantasy

Crafting Swords and Shields in Weapon Shop Fantasy

Jay Hunter
How to Make a Game about a Vampire Running a Store Dull - Weapon Shop Fantasy First Impressions

How to Make a Game about a Vampire Running a Store Dull - Weapon Shop Fantasy First Impressions

Jay Hunter
Pay out your Vampire Debt by Crafting - Weapon Shop Factory [First Impressions] Gameplay

Pay out your Vampire Debt by Crafting - Weapon Shop Factory [First Impressions] Gameplay

Weapon Shop Fantasy
Weapon Shop Fantasy
Weapon Shop Fantasy 🧛 *** It's not the full game yet. *** - A shop management game in a wonderful world We take the role of the shop owner. that need to find various raw materials through dungeons And there is also a matter of management our employees as well - The visual style of the game is in pixel style. - In terms of performance, it's smooth, nothing unusual is found. VERDICT : It's an interesting management game. Waiting to support the next full version.
[Winner Announcement] Join Us in Weapon Shop Fantasy and Win Rewards!

[Winner Announcement] Join Us in Weapon Shop Fantasy and Win Rewards!

TapTap Editor
Weapon Shop Fantasy
Weapon Shop Fantasy
🕹Based on my experience playing on Steam Version, if you like kairosoft or Stardew Valley style games, this is a good choice for you. You can buy the game for less than $6 on Steam, It's a very good game for the price. The advantage of the game is that anyone can easily play the game, and since there is no competitive element, you can develop your character to fit your style. The fun factor is that the changes that are made as the story progresses create new synergies and make you think about ways that are different from the existing ones. In addition, the balance of enemies worth challenging due to power inflation is well balanced. The last boss was also great that it made me think about a combination of skill responses, rather than simply having a high character number and breaking it.
Weapon Shop Fantasy
Weapon Shop Fantasy
It's hard for me to categorize this game precisely. It's a little bit Clicker, a little bit RPG, and contains part of a business simulation. The game uses retro-style pixel graphics and does not require a strong device. - Gameplay The weapon recipes I obtained required various materials, and the only way to get them was to send my staff to different areas to collect them. It was all automated, but I could see their progress. My employees would cut down trees, mine ore and attack monsters.

Negan's Bat Lucille, An Easter Egg In-game
