Driftopia ゲームのスクリーンショット
Driftopia ゲームのスクリーンショット
Driftopia ゲームのスクリーンショット
Driftopia ゲームのスクリーンショット
Driftopia ゲームのスクリーンショット
Driftopia ゲームのスクリーンショット
Driftopia ゲームのスクリーンショット
Driftopia ゲームのスクリーンショット
Driftopia ゲームのスクリーンショット
Driftopia ゲームのスクリーンショット


Lungfish Game Studio
もっとIn the Sea Year 306, the territories of 25 island nations on Earth were engulfed by surging sea levels. Nearly thirty million people lost their homelands, thrust into the ranks of climate refugees. Just as these disoriented refugees grappled with their fate, a colossal millennia-spanning endeavor, the "GREAT YU ," extended its hand of assistance. In the initial stage of this monumental project, a fleet of "Kiwi" airships, collectively known as the "Kiwi ," was launched into the cosmic abyss on the inaugural day of the Sea Year. Laden with the genetic essence of Earth's flora and fauna, these vessels aimed to lay the foundation on the distant, watery exoplanet. The eagerly-awaited second phase, meticulously devised, aimed to deploy a myriad of "GREAT YU" crewed spacecraft, dubbed the "GREAT YU," to the aquatic world. As a result, following thorough selection, the first cohort of several thousand young pioneers, bearing the aspirations of climate refugees' survival and humanity's dreams of exploring the stars, undertook rigorous trials and embarked on a stellar journey. They ventured onto the uncharted path of cosmic drift, preserving the essence of human heritage amid the enigmatic tapestry of an alien star system.


156 評価
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  • 🌊️ このゲームは、非常にリアルなディテールを備えた、広大でシームレスなエイリアンのオープンワールドを提供します。
  • 🎨️ グラフィックは鮮やかで、カラーパレットとモデルデザインも優れています。
  • 🎮️ ラグや切断など、ゲームプレイ体験に影響を与える技術的な問題が多数あります。

