안개 탐정 비디오 스크린샷
안개 탐정 게임 스크린샷
안개 탐정 게임 스크린샷
안개 탐정 게임 스크린샷
안개 탐정 게임 스크린샷
안개 탐정 게임 스크린샷
안개 탐정 게임 스크린샷
안개 탐정 게임 스크린샷
안개 탐정 게임 스크린샷
안개 탐정 게임 스크린샷
안개 탐정 게임 스크린샷
안개 탐정 게임 스크린샷
더 보기아주 머나먼 미래에 과학기술이 빠르게 발전되면서 자아의식을 가지는 로봇과 인류는 이 땅에서 함께 살아가게 됐습니다. 펑크와 화려함이 공존하고, 소란스러움과 고요함이 합창하는 사이보그 도시에서 레이크스라는 주인공이 하나의 탐정 사무소를 개업했습니다. 과거에 경찰이었던 레이크스는 여러 가지 잡일을 하면서 생계를 유지해나가고 있습니다. 하지만 운명의 신은 이미 주사위를 던졌고, 결코 평범하지 않은 살인사건이 레이크스의 생활 속으로 스며들었으며 로봇들이 반란을 일으키게 된 실마리에 연루되었습니다. 반 기계적인 신은 운명을 조종하였고, 반역자들은 어두운 곳에서 기회를 노리고 있었습니다. 혼란스러운 빈민굴과 괴이하게 생장하는 지하세계에서 탐정 레이크스는 단서를 찾고 미처 완성하지 못했던 숙원을 이루게 되는데...... 게임 특징: 복고풍 화질과 사이보그 펑크의 완벽한 조합 다양한 미스터리 요소 이중적 주인공 - 고양이로 변신하는 탐정 다양한 업적과 수집 요소 깊은 사색으로 이끄는 세계관과 침전식 게임 체험

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  • 🎨️ 놀라운 픽셀 아트 스타일과 그래픽이 몰입감 넘치는 경험을 선사합니다.
  • 🧩️ 퍼즐은 훌륭하게 디자인되어 있고 스토리라인과 잘 통합되어 있어 만족스러운 도전을 제공합니다.
  • ⏳️ 스토리라인은 약간 짧으며 하루 안에 끝낼 수 있습니다.



안개 탐정
안개 탐정
People who love a good story with a beautiful background to interact with this game is a must. People who smoke green will really love this in there late night hours. Trust me its almost like going back to  New York style city and apartments. People who love pixelated games should really love this game a lot. There's just so much to look at you can definitely lose time in this game.

Beautiful game

안개 탐정
안개 탐정
Ssssooooo good wish it didnt have to end. Everuthing was polished and perfect. Loved everything about it. I just wish there was more. Sequel? More action? Puzzles were really fun. I didnt feel like i was too stupid to figure it out it was challenging but possible.

Best game out right now!

Just uploaded the gameplay on my channel of this cyberpunk pixelated adventure title called Tales of the neon sea... It's so freaking good the art style, music and i have just started playing. My channel name is Shaani plays...
Shaani plays
안개 탐정
안개 탐정
Yep, I couldn’t resist. I had to go back to Tales of the Neon Sea. If you remember, a few months back, I wrote an absolutely riveting list of detective games you must try, and this beaut definitely made it. So, why not go back and give it the love it deserves? Well, your wait is over. Tales of the Neon Sea is a cyberpunk puzzler developed by Palm Pioneer. The game tells the story of grizzled detective Rex Mist, an alcoholic badass equipped with super-awesome cyber augmentations in the year 2140. The first thing you’ll probably notice about

A Hard Boiled Thriller With Gangster Kitties - Tales of the Neon Sea Review

안개 탐정
안개 탐정
I have a hard time calming my mind after watching EdgeRunner that made by Trigger Studio, I accidentally found this game that Cured My Cypberpunk-Anxiety Disorders. There are many different approaches to the adventure detect of genre, but I have not played one quite as gripping or as beautiful, has developed a palm pioneers game, and after playing through its captivating and well rounded narrative. I was left wildly impressed with what the studio has accomplished.

This Game Cured My Cypberpunk-Anxiety Disorders. Tales of The Neon Sea Review

안개 탐정
안개 탐정
I've seen this game on Steam, but never tried it. After actively downloading and playing through TapTap this time, I deeply felt the charm of this game. Horizontal 2D, pixel wind, puzzle solving, cyberpunk. Game quality is excellent. The difficulty of solving puzzles is moderate, which is excellent for casual puzzle solving. The purple sky, the neon street, the retro-style furniture in the room and the future technology constitute a cyberpunk world in the game.

I am deeply in love with the charm of the cyberpunk world of this game.

A Hard Boiled Detective ready for Action!!

A Hard Boiled Detective ready for Action!!

Tales of the Neon Sea First Impressions!

Tales of the Neon Sea First Impressions!

Clint Wulf - Mobile Messiah
안개 탐정
안개 탐정
This game presents a perfect story by combining good mechanics, every object can be interacted with, medium puzzles so that it is suitable for all ages GRAPHIC Highly detailed and animated 2d pixel visuals, which immerses us in the beauty of the city UI & CONTROLS The ui and tutorials are not superfluous in this game, the controls are easy to understand, well presented MUSIC The best thing about this game is the music, beautiful graphics & good music for each city makes us immersed in the story.

Incredibly Good ★★★★★


