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리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
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리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
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리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
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리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
리니지W 게임 스크린샷
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리니지W 게임 스크린샷


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평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 작성
412 평점



to put it blantly: gdi this is so bad. what i hate the most is the control aspect. you can't even dodge, can't run, can't jump, you can't even walk straight to enemy (analog so bad) idk if this is just a bug, and they will optimize it or just leave it there. been waiting for this since forever, guess i had way too high expectations. also whats with the item? you need to hold item in inventory in order to know details? meh, not convenience at all.
So basically Lineage M but isometric with a way better story and even background story for each class so it has actual classes still no character customization but the game is worse in every aspect, the gatcha is also present through cards such as monsters to transform into. Atleast in lineage M the cards class system actually makes you look more different. The lag with only asian servers, even less skills than Lineage M and the combat is even worse due the aggro and spawn rate of the mobs and you can get attacked while you are in a story cutscene.
the graphic is not that good and I dont know what the hell they did with the character movement. It's a 2021 games but I feel like the combat system and movement came from decade ago. Only 4 classes. We deserved better than this guys, I dont need more games I need better games
Doãn Huy
my recommendation is to play this on pc instead mobile, moving using clicks much better than using virtual analog. this game is hardcore-game which is the progress would be reaaaaaally slow. play only if u have no life. seriously its a lineage remaster,it recuire u to spent more time in it. -not my cup of tea
Vihsjya Kirana
Lineage W Pre-download & Launch Schedule

Lineage W Pre-download & Launch Schedule

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Lineage W World Preview Trailers 4 Different Locations!

Lineage W World Preview Trailers 4 Different Locations!

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