Few things you need to fix
- gun sound need to be more good ( some gun has annoying sounds)
- graphics needs more improvement it's hard to spot enemy plus game gets laggy ( especially lite , ultra graphic)
-fps isn't stable always dropping can't even maintain 50
- there should be an option when we can enable and disable button
- rolling needs a new feature like if we roll our character should reload gun as well
- UAZ isn't as fast as compared to other vehicle
- more optimizing
- it's hard to reflex not fast
- footsteps are confusing plus it's sound
- station has a glitch when u die your joystick will move by itself
- when we destroy a drone it starts an annoying sound
those are the problems I faced but the game is good more detailing n good physic
hope you will fix them before global lunch good luck 🤞👍
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