(I am learning English) I don't often play game but this game I spend time into it the most. But recently it make me depressed, in japan server players keep watching Korea youtube about weird strategies such as Rakan mid or Yasuo support. It happened this afternoon, I played 3 and I lost 3 matches I played carry role and a support guy picked yasuo and I asked him why, he just said because he play for fun but it is rank match. I hope Riot will ban these players!!!
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Aastik Narang
Aastik Narang
brother yasuo support is actually quite common on pc lol it might have been that the person who was playing with you wasnt just good at it
Shining FilmZ PH
Shining FilmZ PH
To be fair, Wild Rift is a game where stuff like even Yasuo jungle or Ashe support or Miss Fortune Mid is viable and can be useful. So if I were you, Id just not stress about their picks and focus more on my performance. If they do bad, then report them. Stop worrying yourself about this.
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