Some Pieces.

Contemporary world.
Disasters and crises occur in several seemingly normal areas.
A counter-D.M.A. organization unknown to most people is secretly working to solve the crises.
As far as human society understands, these are but isolated incidents of misfortune, be them caused by nature or humans.
Occasionally, people may find something not right in certain incidents, but their wildest dreams are no more than schemes for power or urban legends. The truth, however, goes way beyond these…
[b]The Organization
The Organization is founded in the distant future, when D.M.A. have already posed serious threats to humanity.
The Organization travels back in time to delay D.M.A.'s incursion at all cost.
The Organization is dedicated to fighting against D.M.A., and one of its principles of action is to keep human society ignorant of D.M.A.
D.M.A.'s purpose has never been understood by humans, and humanity are fighting for their own survival even in the far future.
[Conceptual arts are non-commercial and for reference only. They do not reflect the final game's quality.]
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Fatafehi Muagut
Fatafehi Muagut
when will it come out taking too long can't wait any longer
don't hype yourself up too much, don't forget it's a mobile game, 9/10 times mobile games are a let down.
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