Agree with the comment that it isn't as optimized as DR and not much interaction with objects yet. While playing the beta I also experienced bugs like phasing inside walls, but that's understandable since it's still a beta. Just a little more polish and it's a 5 for me.
That the map is a globe and so loops in on itself, unlike a lot of open world games that have flat maps is the best draw for me. It felt really immersive and I think the dev team did well with the "adventure around the world" theme. I also loved that to ride the trains and the ship you physically put your character on the train/boat, rather than getting on it via a menu. Also felt immersive. Finally felt like a true proper open world unlike DR's loading screens. While there are loading screens if you teleport it's optional. I took the scenic route and jumped off from the mountains in Olmec Rainforest and hovered to Al Freiza Desert over the sea without taking a boat, and the game let me. I have a lot of praise for the climbing and physics engine. I hope in a future update you add even more continents or at least more naval content because there's a lot of unused space in the sea.
Again also hope less on the auto and instant travel 🥴 it breaks immersion 😆 idk feels weird walking I can just teleport anyway most of the map. Also idk if it's just because there are a few players, but the map feels empty. Like it's big and scenic, but also empty. Just a hope devs let players do something on that swaths of land like build structures on it, or something. Like the sea area it feels a bit of a waste to be unused.
The world is pretty , but also felt safe. The wild animals that spawn die in a few hits and aren't very dangerous -- just there for harvesting materials. Hope that when the game is out please introduce dangerous wildlife 😆 I want to be one-hit killed. Also again idk too if it's just that too few players, but resources respawn too fast. It makes it feel as though crafting materials or cooking ingredients aren't scarce. Also hope we get designated PVP zones like Moon Realm, I like the thrill of defending myself against ambushes. 😆😆😆
Some flaws but I really enjoyed the beta, eagerly waiting for the full release.
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