As a mobile game Genshin is rather good and quality, by comparison with other action rpg in the market. But the main joke is that it is awkward to play on the touchscreen - so there is much comfortable and enjoyable to play on PC. But as a PC rpg game - it is too boring, cause here is no any end-game content. The 99% contens is too easy and casual (for play on PC), and the last 1% - as the 12 abyss floor, is a little bit hardcore, but not because it need skill - you only need luck to roll owerpowered stats on artifacts.
The another bad thing, that is the developers is too lazy and greedy: the project has made so much profit, but they do not fix the old flaws and improve/develop the game. The end-game gameplay is the same as on first levels - you don't get nothing new.
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