I love this game, It's literally is like CS:GO mobile. It has similar mechanics, player animations and even gun inspects. It's also a great thing that the devs didn't copy some CS:GO maps like Dust_2, Mirage, Inferno, etc. The gun skins are also amazing and cool but the greater ones are in crates. This game is Visually amazing, The graphics and animations are crisp and clean, particle effects are even well done. But with every masterpiece, there's a flaw: The servers in this game are just bad It's either I'm the one that's lagging or they're the one lagging. Matchmaking is also bad, most of the time, I get paired up with players who play like idiots, They don't even know how to use flashes and nades, they even accidentaly kill themselves. It's so frustrating and stupid. Anyway, 4/5. Only because the matchmaking is trash, I'm okay with the shitty ping, but the idiotic teammates? HARD PASS.
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