Yet another online game designed around p2w and Fear Of Missing Out sadly. At least it looks and plays cool (while the servers are up that is). But launch day nowadays means stress testing day so that part is understandable. The bad monetization and FOMO design on the other hand is UNforgivable.
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Kills Youtuber
Kills Youtuber
not completely true but it's debatable all the loot and etc can be grinded I never shop in auction I just grind and get it on my own. I didn't know though that the game was already monetized though. they were still adding in payments and etc. last time I heard.
everyone is free to like or no the p2w based on their tolerance level. it is not fair to be able to buy the best gear the AH sells for real money. And considering the tons of rng + items being only tradeable once it means whales get first picks and f2p plebs can just deal with it. It is silly to think that it is acceptable to give paying players this much of an advantage. the MOST precious thing is time. If you can pay to gear up quicker in a competitive game where (sadly) equipped items and enhacement levels will be a huge part of a player's dps and survivability this willleave the f2p plebs with 2 choices. 1 to go full no-life zombie mode and play 24/7 sharing accounts with others or 2 wait for a looong time till they catch up to the whales. BUT by that time there will be new piwer creep as the devs promised both vertical and horizontal content. So that brings f2p plebs back to square 1 with the new best gear to try and catch up. all that said, non-competitive players will enjoy the game ... kind-of... if it werd not for time gates and limited/ timed content.
Kills Youtuber
Kills Youtuber
what pay 2 win aspect have you came across because the game isn't supposed to be p2w
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well the most annoying one is being able to buy diamonds then use them to buy rubies then use those to buy the best gear that is for sale on the auction house. Whales could ruin the economy if they felt like it and had deep enough pockets that way. Then there is all the bs masked as 'covinience' which is pretty much the dev being greed driven bullies who charge their playerbase for quality of life that should be free of charge. Typical f2p online game i guess. Greed-driven development FTW. YAY! All hail naver/line for publishing this!
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