I've noticed this trend among mobile gaming with players loving to see their characters doing insane skill animations at level 1. Yeah you look cool, but is it really necessary? I tried this game and i immediately lost my interest when I was doing insane skills without having to work at all to earn them. Are gamers really that bankrupt of any patience at all on mobile these days, that they can't require to work hard to earn these insane skills? the graphics are pretty good I have to say, but the weird blur in the distance kills the view for me. The customization was well made, very intricate as well. The game just feels like it was made for eye candy really. I dont see any friend connections to people, or unique ways to have fun besides over killing a bunch of mindless monsters.
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joe ratcliffe
joe ratcliffe
best review so far and most honest and on point
Damn that's right. Somebody said it FINALLY!!
You should read more of Rose's reviews, they're all very well written and get to what needs to be said quickly and honestly every single time. I know there was one game (yup. only one) where I disagreed with her review vehemently--I can't for the life of me remember which game--but it's true :) Rose's reviews are a must read. so follow her!!! :))
Good grief!!! does the Sage have a small "O" and "P" stenciled on the side of every piece of gear and weapon in its arsenal??? is this the same game that I beta'd and played years ago? I think it opened with the Canadjan server oddly enough for beta. if so then it is the same game. I reckon if I do a search on all of my reviews on fap. I'll find the review saying that enough was finally enough, and high time to move along. I'm still loving the MMO I've been playing for the last 6 months, and none of the tell tale signs that generally announce the end of the line have even remotely come up. I'm also playing Vendir: Plaque of Lies which is an outstandingly fun and challenging old-school RPG. Combat is turn based but hey. you can't have everything :))
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