[Idle Angels] FAQ

The following are the FAQ of Idle Angels:
(We'll update this from time to time according to your feedback. )
Q: When is the server reset and when will new server be released?
A: Server reset every day at 00:00 (server time)
New AM/AS servers usually are released at 10:00 am (server time)
Q: Can I transfer my current progress to a new server?
A: NO, players have to start over after changing to a new server.
Q: Can I delete my account?
A: YES but only available to IOS players and it will wipe all your accounts under the same region.
Q: Can I transfer my progress between IOS and Android?
A: YES, bind Facebook to your account then try steps  ②-⑤ included in the next question.
Q: How to transfer my progress to a new device?
A: Please follow the steps below:
① Bind your account to FB/Google or other social accounts on your old device
② Download the game on the new device
③ Tap your avatar - Click "Change server" -  Switch to your old server - Restart
④ Tap your avatar - Click "Change A/C" - Enter the info of your bounded social account
⑤ Follow the in-game guides to complete the whole process
Q: What should I do if I stuck on the loading page?
A: Swap your internet between cellular network and Wi-Fi, then restart the game to check again.
If several restarts didn't help, click the "support button" in the upper right corner to contact the support team.
Q: What should I do if I didn't get the pack after purchase?
A: Tap your in-game avatar in the upper left corner, click the "contact us" button to contact the support team. Fill in the "abnormal recharge" form, attach the receipt, support team will help u check and send back the rewards soon.
Q: What is Angel Coin?
A: Angel coin can be used to buy in-game packs, one angel coin share the same price with the first diamond pack (60 diamonds) in your diamond store.
Angel coin needed for one pack = Pack Price / The price of 60 diamond pack
Q: Can I reset my current progress or one specific angel?
A: You can change to a new server and start over, existing progress can't be wiped directly.
In-game angel can't be reset, however you can inherit their training stats or equipped gears to other angels, and it's FREE. (Main angel can't be inherited)
Q: How to leave a guild?
A: Tap your own avatar in the guild-member page, then click the "Leave" button
(If you're the guild master, transfer the position to other players first)
Q: How to use gems/training vials?
A: Gem system opens at lv. 70
Training system opens at lv. 40
Q: How to use gem/holy core essence?
A: Find Gem Hunter and Core Hunter event under "Privilege" page, gain points by accumulating gem/holy core essences and get relevant rewards
Q: How to take over the position i[u]f the guild master is inactive?
A: The position will be automatically transferred to other players if the guild master didn't login the game for 3 days in a row                       
① If you are one of the guild assistants, you need to be active in the past 3 days and have the highest guild contribution
② If there are no guild assistants meet the requirement above, the position will be transferred to the member with the highest guild contribution                       
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