1st day review

kinda strugle to play it for i l've never been good on shooting game. but i totally enjoy the gameplay.
And here what i thought,
the balance is kinda good, for each hero have separated glory (something similar to hero power). so i believe the matchmaking will find ally and enemy in the same glory level. but the downside is while playing solo there is a chaance that a same hero are in the same team. i've encounter 3 iris (the healer ) and it was really hard to kill them for they will heal each other. So please consider to set it so that the same hero will not be in a same team.
The control is really easy because it can be set however u wanted. Auto fire, aim-assist, costumizable layout is really helpful for a not so good player like me. Thank you. Oh and u can costumize the layout for each hero for a different playstyle.
Obtaining new hero is based on ur trophy, so as u progress through the game u will obtain more heroes. And there's also this lootbox that will give u new random hero at a really low chance. It's kinda good because u don't have to save the game point to buy new a new hero, but it's kinda frustating if u want to obtain a hero u like but there is a really long way before u can obtain it and random boxes don't spawn it either. I really wanted to play ossas (shady guy with sniper) but the only way to obtain it is by the lootbox. So yeah can't play him yet. Oh and u can get lootbox from daily mission and various other way, so don't worry.
The graphic itself is pretty good, it's a cartoonish theme but the detail is really good, and there's the hero animation which can be funny or cool depends on which hero. And i like the pose concept, great for taking screenshoot (each hero have 3 pose, slide it left or right to change it )
Overall it's been great and fun, so 9/10.
Mentioned games
Alright, i take back what i said about balance on new hero. It feels like they match us against people with the same total progress. I am at 550 and recently unlock a new hero. And i matches against people with 250 glory point, their heroes is at lvl 4 and 5. So my level 1 newly obtained hero can't stand a chance. I can't deal any significan damage while they can easily one tap me. It still fun tho
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