1/10 this game is underated. It have good story good develop good waifu. My only problems is that the rising significantly hard of world 11 and 13. For the BS part, the hitbox of enemy is suck only in the body not include the head like the player. Also who design the goddamn AI to let it go strange in to the bomb trap laser. Kameal and Fp are mandatory because you will need them for invincible healing and 1 hit skill charge to go play this game. And don't even get me start on those time puzzle and shooting puzzle race. They went 0 to 100 madness in bs. This game is likely make you feel pain in physic and mental. Not recommended to new players unless they are hard M.
I'm hoping for some change that they actually heard about the player response but it seem never happened
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justsayingsomefacthere, hearor
justsayingsomefacthere, hearor
counter point : +yes, w11 is an end of ss1 so yes it should be hard at an end of first chapter but it should not be instant hard like that. Like if they build the hard go steady from w1 to w10 but no they leave w1 to 9 is easy and w10 surprise with passenger and yes, that thing way harder than it used to be. +w11 without nerf is hard, like playing knight with 2 star team is only death in first path. If say solo beth with 2 star then that mostly thank to the ultra tank of princess and remember pattern to dodge skills. And Kameal only release after w11, in between w12 and 13. How are you gonna play it if the only good unit to play back then was FP and Oghma with someone to heal because 1 hit from beth = death.
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justsayingsomefacthere, hearor
justsayingsomefacthere, hearor
but I'm already reach end game and that is like my daily now, I'm already finish like most of the thing except for gacha collection. I'm just have to do that to aleast show that I'm fully convicted to it. Also the AI are more A than I so uhh 1 star
"the game is underrated" *proceed to rate 1 star, the game is supposed to be hard, w11 is supposed to be a barrier so that players will learn more about team synergies and the game's mechanic (merch, equipment,evolution dungeon, LB..) And who said that you can only pass w11 with FP or Kamael? Some people out there are passing w11 passage 2 with just a team full of 2 stars. Besides, if you can get through w11, you're guaranteed to pass w13 I see a lot of people complaining about puzzle (specifically w5 lana race) You know what? It's hard, but you don't need to solve it to pass the stage, you can comeback anytime with a hero/weapon suitable to win the race,. most puzzle that are required to pass the stages are easy, and if you still cant do them, you can search on youtube. Right now the developers are nerfing w11 so i don't see any reasons to complain at all
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justsayingsomefacthere, hearor
justsayingsomefacthere, hearor
beside story mode is still in an ok because the actual pain come from heaven hold tower, orbital floor, collosium and arena. So yes I only rate this low not because of bad game < it actually good game with interesting story > but the painful experience and the lack of answer from devs is main reason I uninstall and rate it like that.
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Chu Nam
Chu Nam
Are u some kind of joke it freaking ez even my niece can beat it damn loser
skill issue
Skill issue
Stuck at W12 even with Max Limit Break and EX Weapon S Tier Heroes. Very harsh for casual player.
It's actually a shame that most reviews that are low tend to be this specific grip, with maybe a few things sprinkled in that are actual core problems, which those symptoms make the game a lower rating that the bloated mess that it currently is. Now, yes, once you hit W10-11, the enemies receive immense stats and what was once like 1/10th of your health, turns into 1/3 or more. This made sense with people built up, so that 1/3rd turned back into 1/10th again, but realistically, they didn't really do much to combat. For added hypocritical nonsense, enemies that do similar attacks in later worlds past this point, do way less damage then those prior to them, guess where the players mouth is for challenge on that? Yea, big ol zip. This issue could have easily been averted by not putting levels based on world completion, so it could just be like, "Oh, I'll do this when I feel ready." Instead of, "Oh shit, I'm missing out on levels for other content. RUSH RUSH RUSH." That'd be the first reasonable thing, second would probably fix a majority of issues that make W11 a nightmare, like the botched AA that renders most units impossible to use, even if they can interrupt, leading to a smaller roster of units. That's a good way to make a product. Now, the AI is some ungodly atrocious garbage, that's a given, but the laser towers and bombs, most boss attacks, whatever else the devs shortcutted, that's because they literally can't react to them. They have 0! coding for them to react to. You know why they run into them? Because there isn't anything to tell them to stay away. Course, on the opposite side of that, some warning tiles straight up don't match, or are set in such a lazy way, that the AI flips out miles away. Won't even come near them, bam, cross country. To your credit, you're hitting some points and even though I wouldn't agree that the difficulties of W11 are THAT bad, I started during Eleanors banner and beat it in 2 weeks using limited revives with the intent of keeping with levels to not be disadvantaged, passages awful, Beth wasn't that bad, esp given the checkpts between phases, the claim still in and of itself does have its own merit, just not a massive drop by itself or even with what is currently listed. At this point it's like, free FP, pull or pity her weapon, more weapon cap level, now, you shouldn't HAVE to, but if you setup for it from the start, it shouldn't be a big deal at all really. As a note to others, you know full god damn well this game is easy as dirt and teaches jack, then it does W10/11. Is it any real wonder that lack of skill and bad setup is possible if you're not full facing a damn guide. You can ride the dumpster train all the way there, then bam, wall. Waste your materials? Well, it's some of the worst drops in a gacha to get them back, so too bad. I lucked out on the Eleanor banner and ran a light team, I ran it blind and got the correct setup.
1. I agree that the difficulty spike is too extreme, I also get frustrated and quit the game for a while before deciding to grinding hard and just ignore the story mode until I maxed out my team 2. I don't really do heavenhold tower and orbital floor so idk 3. colosseum and arena is a pvp mode so you can't really make it easier unless they are going to change the meta a lot. but then people going to adapt and it's going to be hard again.
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