Vajra Disciple - Kuite - Eternal Evolution

Dear Commanders,
Thank you for your attention and your support! Here comes the second Hero Showcase. And today, our guest is Vajra Disciple - Kuite!
If you want to know anything else about the game, please be sure to leave a comment down below!
                                     Vajra Disciple - Kuite
Hero Faction: Atlas
Hero Specialty: Tank
Hero Rarity: Elite
Exclusive Equipment: Moon Crown
Hero Characteristics: Shield, Short-range stun, Reflect, Breaking into enemy formation
Hero Skills: Gives himself a shield, has an ability to stun and cut into enemy line
Skill Information
[Provocation Roar] [Ultimate Skill]:「AOE DMG」,「Buff」
Deals damage equal to 180% of defense to enemies within a certain range, and covers itself with a 240% defense shield for 8 seconds. Upgrading the skill will further improve the defense of the shield.
Talent Effect: Explodes after the shield disappears and deals damage equal to 80% of defense to enemies within a certain range.
[Psionic Eruption] [Common Skill]: 「AOE DMG」,「Crowd Control」
Attaches the psionic energy to its massive fists and deals damage equal to 150% of defense to a small area of enemies in front. Upgrading this skill will continue to increase its damage.
Talent Effect: The target being hit will be stunned for 2 seconds.
[Vajra Blast] [Common Skill]:「Move」,「Crowd Control」
After jumping high, hits the enemy's densest area. After landing, surrounding enemies will receive damage equal to 120% of defense. Cannot be targeted by the control effect during casting. Upgrading this skill will continue to increase its damage.
Talent Effect: Stuns enemies in the center of the drop location for 2 seconds.
[Energy Spike] [Passive Skill]: 「Buff」
After casting a skill, it will increase Vajra’s defense by 6% for 7 seconds, stack up to 3 layers.  Upgrading the skill will further improve its defense.
Talent Effect: When Energy Spike is triggered, it will give 20% damage reflect.
Battle Strategy
Vajra Disciple's main fighting principle is to divide the enemy formation and grab all attention to itself. Being in the frontline, it can quickly jump into enemy’s backrow and draw all the attention from enemy main dps, while activating its Reflect Damage ability. In this way, Vajra can protect its team from enemy damage dealers, while doing some serious damage. And to top it off, while enemy backrow damage dealers is busy with Vajra, your damage dealers can focus on eliminating your enemy’s frontrow. Divide and Conquer. Timing is crucial, use Vajra skills to apply shield, soak and reflect as much as you can, giving enough time for your team to deal with everyone else.
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