WRL: NV Beat JT 2:0, FPX Dismantled WBG 2:0 and More

There were four matches in the 2022 Spring Split Stage Two yesterday. NV defeated JT 2:0, currently ranking first on the team standings. FPX defeated WBG 2:0, ranking second. In another two matches, OMG took down JDG 2:1 and RNG defeated OC 2:1.
Between NV and JT, in round one, there was a team fight near the Dragon pit at four minutes, where NV killed a Dragon but lost one champion. NV aced JT at 17 minutes and won this round.
         The bans and picks in game two of the series are between NV and JT.
In round two, when competing for a Dragon, NV’s Master Yi achieved a double kill. At 19 minutes, NV won this series.
Between FPX and WBG, in round one, FPX led the minions from three lanes to destroy the nexus of WBG at 16 minutes. In round two, at 16 minutes, FPX Darius achieved a quadra kill, securing victory in this series.
In the matchup between OMG and JDG, in round one, JDG defeated OMG within 13 m 43s. In round two, OMG bounced back. In round three, OMG won this series with the excellent performance of Dustwind.
In the series between OC and RNG, OC won round one, RNG bounced back and in the end, reverse swept OC.
          NV and FPX ranked first and second on the current team standings.
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