I've played in those big events to get those cars and with experience I can tell you that everyone of those are pay 2 win.
After you've gotten your hopes up like "dude, I'm bout to get me a Bugatti" not stopping to think that it's probably not actually going to be yours since it looks too good to be true.
I think maybe when you're left with 3-4 stages or levels, you'll realize just how much you still need to improve to get those done.
Now I don't remember much, but I know that it felt as if everything was a set up. Cause at first things are smooth, at mid way through you feel a bit roughed up and then at the end you have no way to get parts or money for a upgrade.
You've replayed the levels that you've finished in the past and yet somehow, the one part you need to get 3 or 4 times is not dropping and even if you did get those, I can't guarantee you getting the car that you've worked for the last 7 days or whatever amount of time you received to get it.
The career mode, oh god no. You can get stuck in one of those levels and grind for the next wave of upgrades or find a way to upgrade to the next tier/star for the car you've put all your work on.
And trust me, it feels painful.
The racing part feels very... heavily.. assisted?? it's strange cause if you do it right, you can go forward sideways..
. _.
yeaaa.. it's pretty weird.
you can find videos of that on yt at, it's not all that hard to find.
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Mourya Raj
Mourya Raj
Yes true, but not entirely, unless u have plenty of gold left with u to spend on the kits for upgrading part ⭐lvl and on energy⚡ I would say save gold shave on events like literally it would take 500 minimum as per my calculations for a hyper car and time matters a lot so lot of time indeed.
Ritreki Pasi
Ritreki Pasi
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