not worth the time or money to play this.
-Weak story
-Too little weapons to craft
-No invasion or something which is not fun
-boring af
-Tutorial boss is way too hard and you need to like block all his attacks perfect and just 1 hit repeat sucks.
-Map sucks too
-Grotesgue key doesnt even say what it does but it cost 8k and we suppose to know or something what it does
-No magic weapon until later in the game i think
-Fall damage sucks,it is a soul like aspect but it does sucks
-The Ascent map sucks too,i moved a lot and only found 1 shrine is is the one at the bridge where you enter the map
-The System that you need keys to open doors sucks too,where the f to get them? you finish a map,fight the boss and then move to next map,where is the key?
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