An interesting mix of BotW and Genshin quality of a survival game. I don't really play survival games because of tedious reasons but I decided to give this masterpiece a test run. Great quality graphics and good combat mechanics Storytelling is average at best: I wish it was a bit more in debt than just having stationary NPCs telling you stuff and giving orders. This is too good of a quality game to be that sort of game.
My real hiccup with the game so far is the ridiculous damage you take from a log slowly rolling into you. I would understand if it was dropping at high speed towards you, but it's really silly when I died after taking two gentle bumps from a slow rolling log. Realistically the most damage you should take from that is single digit numbers. It's already bad enough you have to worry about hunger and inventory limit. Shouldn't have to also worry about getting killed by something you're trying to gather from.
I hope they at least tweak that little problem the log damage for the final release of the game.
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