[Development Log] - Character Design - Shadow Dancer Hela

Loki escaped to the Underworld after being exiled by Asgard and found an enormous Cocoon. Loki the Evil possessed the power of Void and the power protected his soul from being devoured by outer force. However, Loki sensed the Void power that was much stronger than his after approaching the cocoon. It almost tore his soul apart.
To control the power, Loki forged the Essence Body using the Obsidian Book resting deep in Nifheim. When the cocoon breaks, he sealed Hela, who just woke up from a long sleep, into this fake body. The shapeless Hela had disappeared and the physical Hela was born. Using Hela's power, Loki started assembling his fallen god army.
Assassin from the Void - Shadow Dancer
Some say the rumors related to the fallen god army on the northern continent contained terrifying stories of an assassin. Numerous leading generals from the Order of the Pope of the Tower were killed by an assassin sent by the fallen gods. Also, they were all killed by a single blow. The coroner found the same gray essence substance in the wounds of all victims. On the nights the victims were killed, soldiers testified that they once saw a wind-like dark shadow flashing by.
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