A spin off of Diablo 3 with the only purpose of draining the wallets of all the Diablo fans.

Spin off of Diablo 3 for mobile with decent gameplay, great game if you play it casually and are not worried about any big achievements. They soft capped the leveling, but the saddest thing is the predatory, shameless and abusive monetization system, it's clear they've got phycologists working in ways to trick people into gambling, the ammounts of game currency you can pay for don't add up for anything unless you buy it multiple times, legendary gems for f2p players are prety much unobtainable, can only get 1 and 2 star ones at a 10% and 2.5% chance respectively with the "free" crests, if you pay for legendary ones the chances are 4.5% to get the "best" tier ones (5 star) then those can also be 1/5 to 5/5 stars (1% chance for 5 out of 5 star gems), the nicest thing is they need more of them to keep going up in power, a paid gem equals up to 32 times the power of a free one, a single slot of a maxed paid gem (up to 6 gem slots for each indivual gear piece then awakening for even more slots after you max these wich is unlikely, people have calculated the costs of all this: six figures real money, 100k's of dollars) is stronger than all of the f2p cores if they played the game for years.
pvp is pretty much wich team has the biggest whale, only wallet vs wallet, some content with these ever increasing dificulties won't be accesible by a f2p player, the game is Diablo inmortal because you'd have to be inmortal if you wanted to catch up.
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