Beside great graphic and ip name there's nothing else to offer from this game that make me disappointed and sad...
The game itself just typical mmorpg with auto quest, auto battle, auto grinding and most important its not friendly to f2p players! Lack of diamonds and there is no steady income for diamond (ie: daily or weekly quests or events) all diamond came from main quest or achievement so when you finished those you dont get anymore diamonds..

And when you lack of diamond obviously lack of resources to build your character, you cant reset your daily dungeons to farm resources or cant gacha using diamond (heavily depend on gacha tickets which is from achievement or limited events) beside there is another wall for f2p players that called: Territe, everything need territe from crafting, upgrading, awaken and enchanting gears, evolving familiars those need territe.. lots of territe...

So I'm not suggesting this game for serious playing just play this game for fun while waiting other and better games that will coming in the future..
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