It's well put together and graphics are good. Just wasn't my cup of tea. Pretty much another Dark Souls look-alike. Been there done that. Very creative and beautiful game, controls are fluid, but the typical dodge/attack routine gets boring for me. Games like Pascal's Wager have more fleshed out stories and are more adventure driven. This one is basically "enter level, go to boss area, fight" It's kind of redundant. They do have a a leveling system and armor and weapon system with skill upgrades and what not, but like I said, the game already got repetitive for me on the 3rd mission. 5 stars for a well-done game though. Just wasn't for me.
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Singh Taran Arts
Singh Taran Arts
honestly I feel the same way. I expected it to be like the fist BOG game which is. action adventure like God of war where you go to different areas, explore them, solve puzzles l, fight enemies and bosses. this game only has fighting enemies. which become boring really easy. I hope it's just Beta test thing. the original game maybe has everything.
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Blade of God II
Blade of God II
Thank you for your affirmation and feedback to our detailed feelings, we have carefully recorded and feedback to the R & D team, we will strive to do better!
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