Shop Best Buy Guide - Eternal Evolution

By Ain
Applicable version:V1.0.88
Type: Newbie
There are several stores in EE, and different stores sell different items. So which items are cost effective? Which items are must-buy? Which ones are completely unnecessary to buy? Newcomers are often confused by these questions. We hope this tutorial will help newbies answer these questions.
In this store, players can buy items with diamonds and gold.
Must-buy:Soul Rubellite
In this shop, the must-buy item is Soul Rubellite, especially, gold-purchase Soul Rubellite.You can obtain a lot of gold from Deesa Caves/Tara Dome/Cinsaro Marsh, you won't lack gold in any stage of this game(Chapter 39 now, still have tons of gold), but you will always lack Soul Rubellite. Next, I will tell you the number of Soul Rubellite needed for each advance preview.
Actually, for the P2W players it is recommended to refresh the shop as many as you can just to buy all the Soul Rubellite with gold. For the F2P players, you can refresh the shop once a day or not.
Recommended Purchase: Rune
Rune is also a very scarce resource, only when you reach a very high chapter, you can get a small amount of Rune every day by patrol. So it is recommended that at the beginning of the game, you can buy the purple or yellow Rune in the right amount according to your situation.
Taylor of course. Although a small nerf to the output capacity, Taylor is still Every Day Boss powerful output. And Taylor can be used as the main output for all three different boss dungeons!!! Whether for p2w pr F2P players, he is a very powerful hero.
Recommended Purchase: Sorietta
Sorietta is also a very powerful damage dealer&controller. When I reach chapter 39, he is definitely a hero that I very much do not want to see in the enemy's team.
Recommended Purchase: Rare Hero Shard
At the beginning of the game, the three races of shard will be relatively scarce, more recommended to exchange 900 Rare Hero Shard rather than 1800 specific race shard.
Proceed to certain chapters and you will be able to exchange red and legendary weapons. So it is recommended to save up your guild coins until you can exchange them for red and legendary weapons.
Recommended Purchase: Helmet/Boots/Wrist Guard
Because these three weapons will generate random major attributes after purchase, there is a probability of randomizing to a weapon with a percentage boost in major attributes. Such weapons can greatly enhance the strength of the hero.
Red Helmet: Up to 32%Attack power, 32% HP, 32% Defence
Legendary Helmet: Up to 50%Attack power, 50% HP, 50% Defence
Red Boots: Up to 32%Attack power, 32% HP, 32% Defence, 25.6% D.REDUC(this is more useful than HP or Defence for most tanks)
Legendary Boots: Up to 50%Attack power, 50% HP, 50% Defence, 40% D.REDUC(this is more useful than HP or Defence for most tanks)
Red Wrist Guard: Up to 32%Attack power, 32% HP, 32% Defence, 25.6% C.Rate(More useful for taylor and NADILUS), 38.4% C.DMG
Legendary Wrist Guard: Up to 50%Attack power, 50% HP, 50% Defence, 40% C.Rate(More useful for taylor and NADILUS), 60% C.DMG
Tips: Recommended to open at once after exchanging multiple weapons. This way the probability of getting a percentage weapon is higher(not confirmed)
Galactic Arena
REZ is such a great supporter. He has an irreplaceable role in PVE. In PVP, REZ can also be paired with some heroes to form powerful combos. If you
need, I can write a tutorial on the use of REZ.
HERCULES is my NO.1 tank so far(39-16). He can stand long enough and protect the damage dealer very well.
Recommended Purchase: Limited Recruitment Card/Advanced Recruitment Card
That's all, hope you like it.
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i dont have legendary set on my shop only red equipment ,,, i want to get too white equipment also i finished all campaigns
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