Among Us Beginner's Guide
1. Enter the game. You can first enter the free action mode to familiarize yourself with the tasks and props inside.
2. There are three types of maps. Here is my translation. Most people play the first map, which contains many small tasks. Here are a few small examples:
Click on the map in the upper right to see that your task is a yellow exclamation mark, just do it in the past
for example:
Drag the card on the left side of the bag into the credit card machine and drag it to the right to the end
Just stand on the scanner and the progress bar is full
Just drag the leaves into the exhaust
Just cross the middle and connect to both sides.
Just lift it up
3. Complete your own missions and find out who is the hidden killer
Enter an online match
Enter an online match, then openly find a room
Click on the room in the middle, and if you exit, it means that the game has already started in the room, just find the next one, or just find a few more.
4. Enter the room
It is now in the transfer warehouse, waiting for players to join
• The notebook in the screen can be replaced
• Below code ZRPR where ZRPR is the room code for this room.
• 3/10 means less than 10 players are waiting
5. Start the game.
The middle button can show the dead, or you can shoot the lights when you see the murderer
1. The small speaker is that you can notify everyone directly when you see the body
2. use is for tasks
In the upper left corner is which room you are currently working on, and what is the specific task?
Generally, you can complete up to 1/3 of the workload. If your teammates do not do the task, the spacecraft will not be repaired.
Set the key and map, there is your task on the map, and the yellow exclamation mark shows it.
6. Discussion
You can speak in the upper right corner and vote or abstain in the lower left corner. If you don't know who the killer is, you abstain.
If you know who the murderer is, type: "XXX is impostor, i saw it."
XXX can write his name or his color red, white, black, green, yellow, etc. I don't know
7. Death
1. After death, you can communicate with other dead friends
2. Can continue to complete the work at hand
3. But cannot communicate with the living
8. Winning Conditions
1. Let's work together to repair the spaceship
2. Catch the murderer and throw the spaceship
3. No Fail
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Rachael Kirk
Rachael Kirk
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