My thoughts after playing it for several weeks

Second Edit:
Need to downrate it to 3 stars, the game is super grindy especially if you decide to stay F2P. The amount of resources need to upgrade  to class  is ridiculous and you need to spend extra bucks if you want to progress faster. Even story progression requirements to unlock is too much and I don't like that some people in chat just cuddle and pampered an attention whore who could only talked about suicide or self harm. Eww, I forgot that i don't have a patient to face that bullshitt, so i decided to stop.
First Edit:
Add ratings to 4 stars, after daily maintenance, the crashed became less and the gameplay became smoother. It's really fun once you get to know everyone and talking about random things, complaining together about the bug inside the game. Lol. Guess without the glitch, people would have less things to talk about! At least the game glitches bonded players to feel the same pain so they can get closer easily. 😅
Sooo...The game is kinda laggy, especially in channel 1, when there's a lot of people. Sometimes the game would crashed but it's understandable since it's new. This is my first time playing a portrait game, so the game's control is kinda hard and buggy for me. The quest so far is fun, there's autoplay obviously but well i try not to think a lot about it since the highlights of this game is socializing and doing simple task here and there. So far this game is not bad, but not my cup of tea. So it's 3/5 from me.
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