High hopes

come on guys 2 data wipes and lots of updates but nothing that anyone wants or any other thing that's been talked about where's the new maps or and decent skins clothing nothing the game started in one direction ends up going a different way I'm lost I had big hopes for this game and and it just seems like another good project going to waste you start so well with all the effort of interest and interaction with your fans making every one go crazy about this game but to me it seems like it is not like that now we are all craving for that gritty survival game that drags you right in deep Asif it were literally you put in that situation and the only options are surviving to your last breath to me it started like that but now it just doesn't work out like that with this battle pass come on guys back to the drawing board you know the wrong turns you made let's correct it and go again please I'm deeply rooting for you good luck
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