Hua Ling's Balance Changes in the Works

There's been a lot of discussions lately around Hua Ling's normal attack, and we'd like to take this chance to add to the discussion with the following points:
1.What was the design history of Hua Ling's normal attack?
2.How does Hua Ling's crosshair work?
3.Why is Hua Ling's hitting even if the arrow shows otherwise?
4.What balance change is in the works?
5.When will the changes be patched?
1.What was the design history of Hua Ling's normal attack?
Hua Ling's normal attack, the arrow, originally had a very small hitbox size (with a radius of 5cm, exactly the same size of the arrow itself). But throughout the design iteration process, our play test results showed that the arrow has extremely low hit rate, particularly because it swings to the left over long distances.
To make Hua Ling a more viable option, we increased the hitbox size to a total radius of 35cm (including the arrow) so that she could hit the opponents more easily. This also matches the character setting of Hua Ling, who learned ancient art of archery from House Shinyu.
2.How does Hua Ling's crosshair work?
Hua Ling's crosshair is different from other heroes. Her aiming depends on her distance from the target as well as her rate of charging:
In general, the closer Hua Ling is to the target, the easier she can hit. The further she is away from the target, the more she needs to charge in order to hit the right point.
3.Why is Hua Ling's hitting even if the arrow shows otherwise?
The hitbox size of Hua Ling's normal attack has a radius of 35cm, and her arrow has a radius of 5cm. This means that how the arrow appears to hit in battle (the thin stroke of light) does not visually represent the full hitbox of the attack. In fact, right now the effects do not show its hitbox size, which has caused confusion amongst the community.
4.What balance change is in the works?
We have read through and watched the videos shared by the community, and are exploring the following adjustments to Hua Ling's normal attack and ultimate ability.
1.Compound Bow hitbox (normal attack):
    a.Reducing its hitbox.
    b.A visual update, with effects that will demonstrate the hitbox.
    c.At the same time a faster firing speed is being considered to balance it out.
2.Blast Arrow (ultimate ability):
    a.A damage nerf is being considered.
    b.A cooldown increase is being considered.
5.When will the changes be patched?
We need to do a variety of testings for the right balance changes, and are not sure about when it will be patched yet. We target to bring about these changes in a Season 2 update.
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Great write up and explanation behind the incoming nerf. Thank you for being transparent. I truly think changing the hitbox will be totally beneficial.
How about balancing your discord moderation team so it isn't full of aspies who ban people who disagree with them about f*cking game mechanics LOL
I've been playing T3 arena for a long time, but my friend just recently played. But I never got a new hero from the rumble box (unlock hero). but instead my friend who just played has gotten a lot of heroes from the rumble box and the remaining two heroes are still locked. this is so unfair, so lazy to play again? please fix it
Yeah don't nerf Sindri just make her hitbox smaller and take Sindri out of the game entirely. 😅
Dont nerf Hua Ling*
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I think in the next season there should be a special event that has 10 or more questions and if you complete it you get a special hua ling rumble box 📦 that has hua ling inside with some other goodies and nerfing her would be great for thi so the casual players that don't have time to grind won't be raging because everyone is using hua ling
I meant Quest not questions, sorry
Idk change the the sight to just a circle an have that little lock on feature like odussa and the fire chick. The nerf how hard it hits
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