Best game if you want play a good strategy game like Arknight but in diffrent gameplay , btw this Game need pitty to get character what you want if you get lucky , you can get in one pull summon or maybe 3 pulls summon so keep triying to grind many lumaber can you grind and pull it for best banner or character that whatyou want have it or max it for your progres on Story' or maybe on daily dungeon , event , etc
Grafic : *****
Gameplay : *****
Character : *****
Story' Line : *****
Summon : **** ( pitty need it or LUCK)
Progres character : ***** ( is not hard to get max lvl ,  Evo/acecion but hard to get max LMB)
Progres Story' : **** ( not hard , but in a number of stage need character that fexible for smany stage so keep triying and find another way to completely it
External : 64GB
Processor : Snapdragon 640
Setting : Medium or High
Mentioned games

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