Game is good, the new season aka "global release" is way worse than before.

as the title says, it's way worse. The turn in system is soo badly made because to find a specific mods for specific gun is so hard, i'm lvl 25 and i'm still using a scopeless mosin, modless mp5. Before mods can be purchase when you reached a specific level now you need to spend hours in game just to get a new mod for weapon you don't have or an existing mods.
there's nothing changed about the graphics except a new area on 3 maps but it seems like the graphics is changed to a badly optimize one, before I used to play this on highest graphics and fps setting without problem on my 8gb ram with 50 to 60 fps ingame and now i'm playing this on smooth and 30fps while still struggling to maintain a smooth 30fps while playing.
the release introduced an AI improvement, the improvement here is shotgun npc will run to you and stick itself to your body only to run when they need to reload, high tier enemy(thejacket wearing guy who wear t4 armor) become an idiot, the normal npc(blue armor guys) is still the same. All enemy npc can detect you even when you're sneaking and/or using silent movement what iI found is that 200m is the range for assault to smg gun npc to detect you and 500m for sniper guy.
now the players part.
most people will pack 2-4 grenade (t4 armor wouldn't save you and you will die if you're near the explosion unless it's still full durability but after that 1 hand gun bullet can kill you .
most player wouldn't want to rescue you even if you are naked, especially player that yuse chinese/korean/japanese  character as a player name
there's alot of hacker and there's no telling if reporting them i s effective
Pc player will destroy you if you're playing on phone.
All in all new update sucks, fpp doesn't exist, the only thing dev want to do is an ingame event that you need to spend money
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