A Feedback from some player

I uninstalled this game like over 7 or 8 months ago.
I had a lot of fun playing this game, but quite traumatized by those dramas in game. Cmon, I just wanna hv fun playing, experiencingthe amazing game  physics and graphics. Also, after  playing really really long, it gets boring, and repetitive. All you do is do CR everyday. Farm for the events and TS. The events felt like they're just  temporary shops where u can buy event items. There should be event currency which u earn by doing event-quests (if u don't want us to get the event items easily, make the quests hard, or challenging).
That's it from me. GLHF to all the players.
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Yudai Go
Yudai Go
I think the essence of the game is that it is relaxing, a comfy experience in which you can chat and just see the messages it has for you. It is not just a cute and relaxing game, every history it shows you has a lot of emotions, even sad emotions, and its meant to be like that, show you that life can have tragedy, sadness, anger, but everyone finds peace in one way or another.
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