Ashfall 50,000 Reservation Benefit Giveaway!

Congratulations! Ashall recently exceeded 50,000 reservations on TapTap, accomplishing a small goal!
We thank every player for their support and company all the time, and we will try our best to improve the quality and return the expectation with a better game experience.
As a post-apocalyptic MMORPG, we wonder what kind of expectations do you have for the game content?
Share your opinion, we will choose three players who participate in the interaction to get $10 reward!
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Kuldeep Gamer
Kuldeep Gamer
random event like group of thug looting, random encounters with bounty hunters, etc.
As a post-apocalyptic mmorpg-themed game, I really hope that the post-apocalyptic themes are highlighted, such as the unique opponents that appear after the apocalypse, or the maps depicting the post-apocalyptic themes. oh, and don't forget about the game story, I think the postapocalyptic theme is really cool, I hope it will come out well.
I hope that it won't have repetitive missions, especially side quests which are often repeated to get resources. I also hope that it will have an original and captivating story with interesting characters and maybe, if I'm not asking too much, a new and innovative combat system. Oh and obviously I'm looking forward to vast and exciting landscapes, which, as what I've seen so far, seem great.
Zagreus HADES
Zagreus HADES
Please I hope it isn't like other mobile mmorpg From all the stuff I've seen it looks absolutely wonderful and hope it looks like that on launch
i am very excited to try this game and experience it while its developing to help the developers 🤗
I guess I do expect quite a bit from this project Ashfall. I dont expect it to be the saviour for all mankind in this sea of underwhelming mobile and cross-platform games; which means i do completely expect it to have its faults and its aspects that aren't appealing to me personally. But given what has been shown I do have really high expectations for what they have to offer. For one there is an absolutely beautiful environment which even without knowledge of the world or the events therein seem to provide a lot of context on what situation the inhabitants of said world find themselves in. It does a good job with just visuals alone to convey the destruction that took place long ago with its vast wastelands and eradicated buildings. It shows the different kinds of communities that have tried to rebuild themselves after the destruction creating all kinds of new makeshift architecture to survive. The mutant infested areas show off their hostility and inhospitality to outsiders and what i can only assume to be mutant monster dens lol have a sort of eerie look to it that has to be appreciated. I look forward to many more of these incredible locations crafted by the devs and i wish to see them given their proper appreciation even in game. I haven't seen much on combat but it seems to have quite some variety which helps to play into its tpp style of gameplay. The ability to roll in a given direction to evade some deadly attack thrown at u last minute or to hide behind cover so you dont end up eating 3 mags to the face before you can down even one enemy helps to give you more options than just to walk up and shoot. With this I expect a lot of fun with fighting mutants and humans alike. I dont know exactly how open to expect the world to be. I'm not entirely sure whether we will be travelling across this vast expanse from location to location or whether the open world will be restricted to just exploring whatever location you're currently in. I know that made no sense lmao i just didn't see much on travelling in the world so im tryna speculate a bit. Regardless of the case I expect to have some reason to want to explore the world in one way or another. Whether its to just walk around finding hidden packets for weapon parts or currency or whatever it might be or hunting down a certain mutant for some kind of reward (a bounty hunt system wouldn't be a bad idea actually). I simply want a reason to go out and enjoy the world taking it in when I choose rather than just when I'm told to go to this location for whatever reason. I expect to have a lot of fun playing here and experiencing the world and the inhabitants and learning more about it later on.
i hope it have survival element like starving
detailed customized character 💗
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