welcome to play

攻略帖(建议加下群) 全国唯一最大游戏攻略交流群,你想知道的里面都有,管理24小时在线。你还在评论等解答吗?快来这里吧,qq群号157564596,欢迎国际友人 这个游戏很精良,人物出装我建议是全远程角色都是两法杖(拜奈亚) 混乱翼靴 王冠(拜达贡) 黑石头(礼物,拜阿撒托斯)我估计太长没人看,所以还是进群,这是全国最大也是唯一的这个游戏的交流群,同时也是百度贴吧 克苏鲁异闻录 吧的吧群,建议可以进群玩玩,里面有科普文件,游戏相关问题,欢迎来玩
Introduction Post (Suggest Adding Groups)
The only largest introduction communication group in the country, all you want to know, is online 24 hours a day. Are you still commenting and waiting for an answer? Come here quickly, qq group number 157564596, welcome international friends
This game is very excellent. I suggest that all long-range characters are two staves (Bainaiya)+chaotic wing boots+crown (Baidagong)+black stone (gift, BaiAzathoth). I guess it is too long for anyone to watch, so I'm still in the group. This is the largest and only communication group of this game in the country. It is also the group of Baidu Tieba Kesulu Yiwenlu. I suggest that you can play in the group. There are science popularization documents and game-related issues. Welcome to play
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