Torii's GRAPHICS ARE FANTASTIC, though the puzzles MIGHT leave a few STUCK FOR A WHILE
Torii recently released on Steam and I have to say, that this game is pretty impressive, especially considering it is made by just one person.
Torii is about 2 sisters and how the guilt of one sister having drowned in the ocean bearing deep on her mind. You play as this sister who is trapped in this realm that could be her deep conscience or something else, you must venture forth into this unknown surreal world, and solve puzzles to unlock memories to piece together the whole story.
Gameplay wise Torii isn't overly complicated, but the puzzles can sometimes take a while to complete. While in the test rooms to unlock memories and wings, you aren't given any guidance or tips on what to do, you have to figure it out for yourself. Which depending on how good you are at problem solving, could take some time. That isn't to say that there aren't any tips at all in the game, in fact there are these little creatures called Kublins that when you go and talk to them, they will give you some advice.
So feel free to talk to as many of them as you can to get all the information possible, though like I said, in the test rooms, there are no kublins. You have to figure out the puzzle for yourself. While on your journey you will also notice that you move incredibly slow, but if you find wings which are located all around the world, you can increase your movement speed over time, allowing you to sprint for longer distances, and also your stamina can be regenerated by resting, or traveling through a Torii gate.
So don't stress if you think you move like a snail in the early stages, it will get better.  At times I felt like I didn't know where to go, and I did back track by accident once. But after speaking to one of the Kublin near by, I did find out, that you can travel to locations that have a flag in the air, those places are places you haven't been to yet, and when you complete that section, the flag does indeed disappear. A useful feature to help you from getting lost.
Visually this game is absolutely stunning. I couldn't get over how artistic and shiny the world was, and how just surreal it felt and it really impressed me with the overall aesthetics of the game. I couldn't believe that this was created with just one person. I was truly impressed. Very well done.
Overall I'd say that Torii is an impressive game for a single developer, while there was issues when live streaming, where it would crash multiple times, I cannot complain too much considering it was only day 1 of release, and this is just a solo developer, so I can forgive a couple crashes. Actually earlier today there was even a patch that was released.
The games story is sad and as you progress it gets deeper into the guilt and while it is a moving and emotional journey the game does give a warning about these issues, so keep that in mind. If you are sensitive to these topics, you might want to be aware of them in this game. I really enjoyed my time in this game, and I hope it gets the love it deserves. If you think this game is for you, you can find it on the Steam Store.
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